De perfecte krabpaal kiezen

Choosing the perfect scratching post

What should I look for when buying a scratching post? This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get from our customers. Not...

Het Norenvirus

The Norwegians virus

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time we spoke to Ankie from Arkel, the Netherlands. She knows how...

Hulp voor Dieren uit Oekraine

Help for Animals from Ukraine

5 May is Liberation Day in the Netherlands. We then celebrate the liberation of the Netherlands in 1945, and reflect on the value of freedom....

Kattenziekte FIP

Feline distemper FIP

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time, we had a special conversation with Lauri from ‘s-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant....

Bengaalse broertjes

Bengal brothers

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time, we spoke to Alicia from Harderwijk, the Netherlands. Together with her...

De Tonkanees

The Tonkinese

Every week we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. This time we spoke to Zoë, she lives in our capital Amsterdam with...

Onafscheidelijke vriendjes

Inseparable friends

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time, we spoke to Andrea. She lives in Germany with her two...

De gelukkige binnenkat

The happy indoor cat

How do you make your home suitable for a happy and healthy indoor cat?Everyone naturally wants the best for their cat, and although cats are...

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