
The two beautiful Bengals come from the Finnish cattery Ter Lucky Royals, of course appropriate names had to be made up for them. Johanna's children thought of Lord Voldemort and Darth Vader, and that eventually became the name Lordi. The beautiful silver charcoal Bengal is Lily, named after Princess Leia, the princess from Star Wars, and of course after the flower. On top of that, Johanna also thought the names just fit together nicely because they both start with the ‘L’.

Träume von Bengalen

In 2020, Johanna dreamt of Bengal cats, she contacted a cattery but a response was a long time coming. It was only months later that she received a response. Because the message had been overlooked, Johanna was given first choice from the litter. That same evening they chose their new kitten. The intention was to choose 1 kitten, but due to their active nature, she decided to go for 2 playmates. Besides, Johanna had had cats all her life, so she already knew the pros and cons. Although these two Bengals do add to it.

Sometimes they blow up the whole house, but... you do always have a friend with them!


Grandma knows what to do

In the middle of Johanna's living room you will find the Maine Coon Tower.
"Grandma advised us to get a scratching post from you, and it was an
instant hit. But we really need to have another one," says Johanna,
"sometimes the playing is quite wild, and they climb up and down like a
spear". Lily and Lordi will be two years old in November, maybe a gift in
the form of a second scratching post is a good idea?

Lordi in particular has his own distinctive pose when lying in one of the hammocks, he likes to hang with his paws over the edge to keep a close eye on everything around him. And then when he is in a deep sleep, a loud snoring sound comes out! Because after all that playing, making the terrace unsafe outside, teasing the dog and running around, they prefer to rest on their scratching post.

No day is boring with Lily and Lordi


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Special band

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week it was the turn of Helen from Wigan, near Manchester and Liverpool. She lives there with her family and their cat Loki. Fans of Marvel comics might recognise this name from the comic books or as the character from their favourite film or show. Loki is named after the character, ‘but also because he is the absolute master of chaos,’ Helen adds.
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