They would look for one kitten...

Tamara and her friend were both looking for an affectionate cat and together they found an ad about a kitten available for adoption. Tamara immediately drove there and to her surprise, there were not one but two kittens! ‘The owner told me that someone else had cancelled, so I had to choose between them. I couldn't choose, of course, so I decided to take them both home,’ Tamara says.

The two both chose a name for the kittens. Her partner chose Cuty and she chose Lady. ‘The names fit their characters,’ Tamara explains. ‘I used to have a cat called Lady and she was the most affectionate ever, just like this one. It seemed like a perfect name.’

Chicky oder Romeo?

After living with two cats for a year, her partner
found another advertisement of a small, white kitten. "He kept nagging
about it, so Sushi came in. I thought it was only fair that I also started
looking for another one," says Tamara. "I found a black cat that also
needed a new home, so of course I wanted to go for this one as well." They
drove there and immediately saw that something was not right. "I saw how
badly the kitten had been treated, so I knew she had to come home with

"Chicky was physically abused,
which also took a toll on her mentally," says Tamara. "Her body looks
a little different, because her back is much shorter. Because of the abuse, she
was not able to grow up properly," she continues. "She wasn't very
fond of people in the beginning." I mean, who would that be? Poor Chicky.
Fortunately, she ended up with Tamara and the rest of the family.

After a while, Tamara noticed that
Chicky wasn't a girl, so she knew she had to choose a new name. "Then I
came up with 'Romeo', which reminds me of the cat in a TV commercial who is
also called Romeo."

Unfortunately, Sushi passed away last December from
the effects of a blood clot.

That would really be the last time we went to pick up a cat


Keeping track of the cats

So there are Cuty, Lady and Romeo. As if that were not enough, Tamara's friend found another advertisement of a cat named Star. ‘We said to each other that we would pick this one up, but that it would definitely be the last one,’ Tamara says. ‘But I don't think we kept that promise, because my in-laws could no longer take care of their cat. They seemed allergic, so we took her in too.’ And that's when Stip was introduced to the family. Stip was named by her in-laws and they decided to keep that name. ‘Stip is aptly named because it reminds me of her spotted coat.

She has a very colourful coat.’ There are currently five cats in their home: Cuty, Lady, Romeo, Star and Stip. Sounds like a perfect household to me!

House full of sweet spots for all 5!

Since Tamara has five cats, she finds she needs more than one scratching post. She has our Maine Coon Fantasy and Royalty Plus (but slightly modified) in Blackline version in her living room and the Chartreux in her bedroom. ‘The quality, fabric, stability and colour are really important to me,’ she says. All the cat trees are very sturdy and fit her five cats perfectly. They have plenty of sleeping, hiding and scratching spots in them.

Like my own

Tamara has always had cats, so we can say she knows what she is doing. If she could start all over again, she would definitely choose a cat again. ‘You don't have to let them out’, and that is quite practical if you ask me.

In fact, she sees and treats her five furry friends as her own children. ‘They mean the world to me, because I don't like children very much. I keep them at a distance. My cats, on the other hand, are like my children.’

Join the family!

We are constantly looking for new furry friends! Would you also like to read your own story here? Let us know and who knows, we might contact you.

We can't wait to hear from you soon!



Cat Tree Royalty Blackline Plus (Light Grey)

Sold out

Regular price
CHF 199.00
Regular price
CHF 199.00
Sale price
CHF 199.00

Regular price
From CHF 19.99
Regular price
Sale price
From CHF 19.99
Light Grey, 60 cm Diameter Round Seat (incl. cushion)

Regular price
CHF 48.00
Regular price
CHF 48.00
Sale price
CHF 48.00

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