Has your cat pulled a loop in the carpet for the umpteenth time? One day he hangs his claws in the sofa, the next day in the curtains. It's not fun, but punishing your cat isn't going to change anything. Scratching is simply a natural instinct for your cat, no matter how annoying you find it. Fortunately, by buying a scratching post you can remedy a lot of the scratching.

Born hunter

There are several reasons why a cat likes to scratch. For example, they do this to sharpen their nails, just like we like to get a manicure. When scratching, the outer, damaged layer of the nail comes off. The new, sharper layer underneath is exposed. So scratching causes that top layer to fall off, leaving them with a new, beautiful, but most importantly, sharp nail. Sharpening the nails makes them climb better. The cat is and remains a true hunter, their nails are their main weapon.

So a scratching post is really a must for your cat. Discover our collection of scratching posts here!

Nicht in meinem Gebiet

Cats will also scratch to show that they are the boss in the house. This is because their claws contain scent glands, which release a certain smell while scratching. People don't smell it, but other cats immediately know by the scent who is boss in the house.

Even if your cat comes to lie on your lap and she starts scratching or dabbing her paws, she is doing this to release a scent. Might seem very cute, but again, they often do this to mark their territory. In short, basically your cat is the boss in the house, not the other way around.


Cats also need relaxation from time to time. Again, scratching is perfect for that. While scratching, cats are going to stretch their entire body and muscles, which is not only good for their agility, but also for their mind. They are going to be able to move faster (here come the zoomies) and also react faster to unexpected situations. That way, they are better able to catch prey. So a cat tree would be very useful for your cat to fully indulge in.

Be timely

A scratching post is not only useful for large or adult cats, kittens also benefit from it. A kitten needs to be able to scratch and climb sufficiently during its development to train its balance and responsiveness. So don't wait too long or your kitten will soon be hanging around in the furniture!

How do you solve it now?

So a scratching post is a really good idea if you are tired of punishing your cat every time he needs something. Scratching is a form of communication, an expression of an emotion. So more than normal!

Are you looking for a scratching post, but don't know which one is best for your cat? Check it out here thanks to our handy quiz!

Every cat tree is different, just like every cat. One cat is a fan of our Kilimandjaro, while the other prefers our Chartreux. There are several factors that you should take into account before buying a scratching post. The breed, the height of your cat, the condition, ... So think carefully before you impulsively order one! One cat likes to scratch horizontally, the other vertically. A tall cat needs a tall, large pole to fully extend, whereas small breeds don't.

So observe your cat before ordering. This way you are both satisfied with the purchase! Are you curious about our collection of scratching posts? Check them out here!


Totally convinced?

Cat Tree Kilimandjaro de Luxe Crown (Cream)

Sold out

Regular price
CHF 308.00
Regular price
CHF 308.00
Sale price
CHF 308.00
Cat Tree Cat Paradise Blackline Plus (Light Grey)

Sold out

Regular price
CHF 406.00
Regular price
CHF 406.00
Sale price
CHF 406.00
Cat Tree Cat Penthouse Crown (Light Grey)

Regular price
CHF 333.00
Regular price
CHF 333.00
Sale price
CHF 333.00

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Devon Rex voor de overwinning

This week we spoke to Hannah, who grew up in Texas but currently lives in Belgium with her two cats, Nacho and Tavi and her dog Loki. She moved there for love, along with her dog Loki.
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