Tales and Tails: Monthly cat stories shared by cat lovers
Carla, who works in healthcare, has a great passion for helping animals in addition to her daily commitment to others. Together with her husband, little...
Carla, who works in healthcare, has a great passion for helping animals in addition to her daily commitment to others. Together with her husband, little...
Unsere vierbeinigen Freunde sind vielleicht die beliebtesten Haustiere. Jede Katze hat ihre eigenen Charaktereigenschaften. Ob Sie nun eine abenteuerlustige Katze oder eine Schmusekatze suchen, es...
Changing seasons not only bring changes in the weather, but also affect our feline friends. As cat owners, it is our responsibility to ensure the...
These two have a special bond with each other. Cats are naturally curious and love moving, fragrant and interesting things. As a result, plants often...
Tales and Tails: Monthly cat stories shared by cat lovers is a blog where we talk to customers, breeders and cat lovers to hear their...
How do you recognise a cat with cystitis? Lola can explain this in detail in this blog. Among other things, you will read how she...
Haben Sie sich schon einmal gefragt, warum Katzen gerne kratzen? Schließlich ist das Kratzen einer der natürlichen Instinkte von Katzen, und deshalb ist ein Kratzbaum...
In this blog post, we will explore why cats can bite, discuss some effective ways to solve this behaviour, and offer an option that can...
Der Geburtstag Ihres Katzenfreundes ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, ihn mit Liebe zu überhäufen und bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen. Katzen bringen Trost, Gesellschaft und Freude in...
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