Katten maken van je huis een thuis

Cats make your house a home

Every week we search for interesting stories of cats and their owners. This week, we stranded Tracy in Southport Meryside in the UK. Her family...

Kitties van Oz

Kitties of Oz

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time, we spoke to Karla from Sydney, Australia. Not only does she...

Brits Kortharen Cattery

British Shorthairs Cattery

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week we spoke to Lisanne, from the cosy city of Nijmegen. Lisanne...

Liefde voor en van je kat

Love for and from your cat

Every week, we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. We stopped off in Bavaria, Germany, at the home of Alexandra and her...

Laat Mimi lopen

Let Mimi walk

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week we spoke to Emerson Riley, from Canberra the capital of Australia....

Lois houdt haar katten binnen

Lois keeps her cats inside

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week we spoke to Lois from Norfolk in the UK. Lois has...

Veel eerder een kat moeten nemen

Should have got a cat much earlier

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time, we spoke to Jolien. She lives in the Netherlands with her...

Andreas en zijn kattenfamilie

Andreas and his cat family

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week, we spoke to Andreas from Germany. He has no fewer than...

Spinnend medicijn

Spinning medicine

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week, we spoke to Ana from the Netherlands. Ana is originally from...

Also want to be interviewed?

We are constantly looking for new furry friends! Would you also like to read your story here? Then don't hesitate to let us know, who knows, we might even send you a message.

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