Adopted cat

Fonzy had long been available for adoption at the Australian Animal Welfare League, and because he is FIV positive no one wanted to adopt him. Ashleigh, however, couldn't get over how handsome he is, and decided to adopt him. As Fonzy was also quite overweight, Ashleigh put him on a diet to continue living as healthily as possible.

Fonzy is now 10 years old, but he never quite learned what going to the litter box meant. At least, he does go there, but then he puts it right next to it. Of course, Ashleigh still loves him very much! And although Fonzy is not very fond of cuddling, he rarely once comes upstairs to join Ashleigh and her fiancé on the bed to lie exactly between them purring.

Freddie Mercury

Since one cat was clearly not enough for the couple, they
decided to get another cat. At a Cattery there were still a number of red males
left so Ashleigh couldn't resist sending a message. They took a Maine Coon and
named it Freddie, after Freddie Mercury because they are huge fans of Queen!

Since then, Freddie has also been the absolute king of the
house, ruling it as if it were his castle. And that's how they are both treated
at Ashleigh's home. In the living room you will find the Maine Coon
between the sofas, so that the cats are involved in the sitting

In addition, Fonzy and Freddie also have their own game
room, where the Maine
Coon Tower
is  close to the window to
give them the best view while lying in the upper hammocks. And the Devon Rex
is there, too, which is Freddie's favorite hiding spot! Fonzy prefers to be in
the living room.

Best company

It is a dream of Ashleigh's to adopt another cat one day. So the constant company of her cats is the biggest advantage, which makes all the drawbacks disappear. ‘Of course it's no fun cleaning up the faeces, or the huge amounts of hair when they're shedding,’ Ashleigh tells us, “but it makes me happy just to look at them, for example how Freddie is curled up sleeping, and Fonzy still with his tongue sticking out from cleaning” she continues. And although they don't always want to be touched, they will always be with Ashleigh and her fiancé in the same room. And if Freddie does want to be touched? Then he stands up like a human with his front paws stretched up so you pick him up under his armpits!

Fonzy and Freddie are like our first children, they always come first!


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De drie musketiers

The three musketeers

The three musketeersEvery week we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. Just last week we talked to Belinda from Australia, this week we are looking a lot closer. To be precise, right opposite yours truly! As there are many animal lovers within the team at RHR who work with a cat, this week I will be talking to my colleague Mitchell.
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