Test phase

Diana had never had cats in her life because of her allergy. So she first contacted a cattery in the neighbourhood, and went several times to test whether she really did not get allergic reactions from Siberian cats. In early 2023, Diana was allowed to choose two cats from the same litter, now brother and sister are almost four months old. She chose the name Stevie for the girl, because she looks so funky and stylish, and Pepé for her brother; a Spanish name she has always liked.

The first moments together were surreal


‘It was great to finally meet them. Pepé and Stevie each have unique personalities, with Pepé being more relaxed and affectionate, while Stevie is more energetic, curious and mischievous’ Diana tells us, who is still immensely happy every day that she can have Siberian cats.


For Diana, Pepé and Stevie are her ‘furbabies’, bringing much joy and funny moments into her life. So the constant purring and cuddling with them is immediately the biggest advantage. And the biggest drawback? The only thing Diana can think of on this is, the fear when the cats go missing in the house because they are so small and quiet and fit in and out of the craziest places! ‘We spent half an hour looking for Pepé the other day! Diana tells us. Fortunately, Stevie had snitched off Pepé's hiding place, and they found out that they had accidentally locked him in the cupboard.

But often they don't have to look for the brother and sister, because they usually lie together in the large lounge bed of their Kilimandjaro scratching post. Every day with Pepé and Stevie is a joy for Diana, she describes her cats as her greatest joy and she can't wait to see them grow up.

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Brits Korthaar met karakter

British Shorthair with character

Every week, we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. This week, we ended up in Kampen, the Netherlands. With Joan and Mike, we talked about their cats: Mickey and Nala. Both cats are British Shorthairs, chosen by the couple for their cute looks and character traits.
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