Learning from animals

‘I love all animals, big, small, furry or not’ Marlene tells. According to her, we can all learn a lot from them. About all her furry friends, Marlene can tell plenty of special or funny stories. Perhaps it is because they have all been rescued, and sometimes have already been through a lot. That is why it is only logical for Marlene to adopt rescued animals.

Her two labradors, Milo and Gary were adopted from LabRescue later in life. In addition, the oldest cat Denver is now 20 years old. In 2002, Marlene adopted her along with her sister Farley, who sadly passed away at the age of 4. But Denver hasn't been alone for a long time. Marlene then took in six more cats. Including Clarrie, he was found with an injured front leg, his leg no longer healing and had to be amputated. ‘He moves as fast as his four-legged relatives!’ Marlene tells of her 3-legged boy. Ruby, Noog, Ripley, Kirkland and Emmi were also added to the big cosy family.

Cat shelter mum

Since 2019, Marlene has also been committed to the
organization Cheltenham Cat Rescue
"they do a great job, not just for cats," says Marlene, who welcomed
a 7-week-old turtle girl named Miso this week.

In addition, she currently has 6 foster cats and kittens in
the house. They all didn't have such an easy start, but now they are doing well
and they are staying with Marlene until they find a new home. Chapeau for
Marlene, because she has already taken in 103 cats/kittens for Cheltenham Cat

Beware! Kisses area

With all the animals in the house, Marlene has made sure
that there are nice places to lie everywhere. Ruby in particular feels like a
real queen at the top of the lounge berth of the Panther
scratching post. Enjoying the view outside, she can also keep an eye on all the
action in the house at the same time.

The Maine
Coon Tower
is conveniently set up, between the living room and kitchen.
Favorable, so that Marlene can give the cats a kiss on their head every time
she walks by. When they are on the platforms or hammocks, they are also at the
perfect height to give Marlene a swipe every now and then. "I call it the
kissing zone, that's probably why I get the strange swipe!" says Marlene

There are so many advantages to having a cat, but even more advantages to having multiple cats!


Every advantage has its disadvantage

The advantages of having cats far outweigh the disadvantages. Actually, the list of advantages is endless, but especially the cosiness and never sleeping alone are the nicest for Marlene. Besides, her bed is always nice and warm. And so is her lap, sometimes at inopportune moments. For instance, when she is on the toilet.

When we do insist on naming one disadvantage, she really has to scratch her head and think very deeply. Then it turns out that the advantage of the warm bed is also a disadvantage. Because while it is lovely in winter, it is not so nice again in summer.

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From €19,99
Cat Tree Maine Coon Tower Blackline (Dark Grey)

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From €250,44
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From €250,44
Cat Tree Royal Cat Palace (Cream)

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Lesen Sie den nächsten Artikel

Happy family

Happy family

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week, we spoke to Sharon from the Netherlands. She has two cats, Maddox and Dexter. They have both been with her for 4 years and were born in March 2017. ‘I guess you could say we do have some similarities, as Maddox and I are both addicted to warm, fluffy blankets,’ she said.
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