Over the rainbow
‘My first cat was 14 years old when she passed away. She became very ill and unfortunately found her way to heaven, over the rainbow bridge,’ Andrea says. The term rainbow bridge was not made up by her, it is actually a commonly used term by pet owners. It refers to a place where it is always sunny, there are green meadows and a colourful bridge that leads an animal to heaven. The term dates back to the 1980s or 1990s and was supposed to help deceased pet owners begin their grieving process.
Love at first sight
After losing her beloved cat, her partner immediately started looking for a new one. ‘He looked at the website of our local animal shelter and there his eye fell on two little guys. It was actually love at first sight. When I first met them, I also fell in love. It was clear we had to adopt them.’

Buggy and Murhpy soon felt at home. ‘We didn't expect them to get used to their new home and to us so quickly, given their past. They were left in an empty household for a few days.... I think they have a very strong bond with each other, they don't leave each other's side. If Buggy is in the kitchen, you will find Murphy there too. We also call them ‘Uhu and Pattex’. The boys are together 24/7. But we're not complaining though!’
You are not decently dressed without some cat hair
No drawbacks
Andrea sees no disadvantages to caring for a cat, or in her
case two cats. "Many people hate to see cat hair everywhere, but to be
honest, it doesn't matter to me. In fact, I don't think you're well dressed
without some cat hair on your clothes," Andrea says with a smile.
She sees her two boys as her children. "They are my
loyal friends. I like to hear them purr, that calms me down. Buggy and Murphy
seem to make me forget my worries and stresses of everyday life. What more
could you want?"
Vice versa, Andrea also makes sure that her two boys have
everything their hearts desire: "I gave them two scratching posts, which
they absolutely love. They are in their playroom". She says that Buggy and
Murphy spend most of their time (together) in the hammocks, like most cats.

Join the family!
We are constantly looking for new furry friends! Would you also like to read your story here? Then don't hesitate to let us know, maybe we'll send you a message.
We can hardly wait!

Lesen Sie den nächsten Artikel

The happy indoor cat
Everyone naturally wants the best for their cat, and although cats are originally outdoor animals, you may still choose to keep your cat indoors. This can be for many reasons, for example if you live in a flat without outdoor space and your cat simply cannot go outside. Do you live somewhere where your cat can go outside, but it is too crowded and therefore not safe? Or are you afraid of the other dangers, such as diseases, stray dogs or perhaps your cat being taken away?
Don't let your cat out either? Then make sure he is just as happy inside!