Residents of Villa Samson
Villa Samson is home to three kitty cats: Chris, Luna and Misty. They are three Maine Coons, perfect for in Villa Samson. Because apart from their fascinating looks, they are also known for their well-developed social behaviour. ‘They are only too happy to steal the show here!’ says Milly about the trio “When they see us arrive with the Samsonmobile, the wheelchair-accessible van we use to pick up patients at the hospital, they are already at the front door eager to welcome patients” she continues. It is also important that the three cats are not easily impressed, especially for their own wellbeing in a house where new people are constantly visiting.

A moment at Villa Samson gives patients a chance to escape their worries for a while. They can go there for a precious moment with their beloved pet. Patients without their own pet can enjoy the company of Villa Samson's dogs and cats. The animals are also used during therapy sessions supervised by psychologists.
The smartest cat
Luna, the beautiful red cat is the big brain of the group. She might be the smartest cat you would ever meet! She can sit, lie down and paw on command. She unravels brain puzzles faster than her shadow. She jumps through hoops, over obstacles, zigzags between cones and does so at an athletic pace. As smart as she is, she naturally knows that she will be rewarded with a treat for this. She is therefore the greediest cat of the three, but you wouldn't know it from her top model figure. She is only too happy to pose for the camera.

The entertainer
Chris is the little brother of the party, a real bon vivant who wants nothing more than love, cuddles and attention. He likes to lie in plain sight, preferably stretched out on the desk for as long as possible. By rolling over, he invites patients to stroke his belly. This charmer then also makes it easy to hear that he is there; his roar is almost permanent background music in Villa Samson. Chris is also a very mouthy tomcat who always has something to say. Hungry? Thirsty? Fancy a nap? He is only too happy to tell it all with a loud meow.
One of our volunteers even buys chicken sandwiches especially for Chris so they can have a romantic lunch together
The best friend
Misty is a secretive cat. Above all, she loves peace and quiet. At first glance, she keeps a bit more in the background than her two housemates. She often prefers to watch the cat out of the tree... But once she gets comfortable, Misty is an incredibly funny cat! She runs after toys like no other, with her long legs and her crazy movements. And if a patient comes in who is having a bad day, she doesn't leave his side. So we can often guess how a patient is feeling before he tells us anything about it himself. She is the best friend of especially geriatric patients who spoil her with lots of love.
People hospitalised at UZ Brussel can be picked up during their stay, so they can visit with their own animal or with the animals from Villa Samen. The cats are on standby for the patients every day. They allow patients to forget their worries for a while. They give comfort to those who need it, and conjure back a lot of vanished smiles. They are an animal medicine against loneliness and sadness. The three cats also encourage patients' motor rehabilitation. Sometimes even the smallest things are difficult, like moving hands. Chris's soft fur invites petting and Luna's hungry look asks for a treat to be handed to her. If you would like to play with Misty, you have to walk around a bit. The animals motivate patients to push their limits imposed by illness.
Therapy with animals is also provided at Villa Samson under the guidance of psychologists. Chris, Luna and Misty come to patients by themselves during difficult conversations. They then offer support and peace to patients with mental vulnerabilities who can talk more easily in the presence of the pet cats. Recently Villa Samson was refreshed, in the cat room they installed our new wall system. This is a real added value, especially during the therapy sessions because it also allows the cats to be active. They are only too happy to climb on it and take long naps in the highest hammocks.

Support Villa Samson
The establishment of Villa Samson was financed exclusively by donations. Even now, Villa Samson can only continue to exist thanks to the support of donors, sponsors and legatees. You can also support Villa Samson by
means of a donation, or purchase a nice sweater or calendar. Take a look at the website! Prefer to participate in a Woeftastic event? Then you can during the FestiWalk, which will take place on Sunday, October 1, 2023. For more information about this, and other future events, you can of course follow them on Facebook or Instagram!
In the cat room of Villa Samson
Chris, Luna and Misty are totally happy with the climbing and scrambling products of the new wall system!
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