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Come addestrare i gatti a non graffiare i mobili: Consigli per la protezione dei mobili
The vet in this blog is Karlijn van Bladel, 27 years old and living in Den Bosch. Karlijn is a companion vet at DCO in Oisterwijk and previously worked at the animal hospital in Waalwijk. Karlijn has been working as a veterinarian for a total of two years now and it is still her dream job.
Since childhood, Karlijn has been involved with animals. She grew up with her horse Surprise and later her cat Lilly, a beautiful Ragdoll, joined her. It was always her biggest dream to become a vet.

It has always been my biggest dream to become a vet. It still is!
Karlijn explains that cats have different reasons why they
scratch. These reasons are explained below.
- Rubbing the nail against sturdy material causes the worn outer layer of the nail to come off and the underlying, sharp nail to shine
- The cats train the muscles of the front legs by scratching
- Cats scratch to mark their territory. Scratching is used as part of communication. The cat thus marks its habitat. Between the soles of the feet there are glands that release a unique scent after scratching
- Cats may also scratch when they experience tension. Then scratching behavior is a way to reduce stress
Did you know that Lilly's favorite cat tree, Karlijn's cat,
is the Maine Coon Lounge Blackline Dark Gray? You can shop it here!
For Karlijn, a number of factors played a major role in
choosing a scratching post for Lilly. Quality, high sitting and sleeping and a
scratching post that does not take up too much space. This scratching post is
perfect for Lilly!

Cats prefer stone or ceramic food bowls so they can't eat
pieces of plastic. Of course, you don't want this for your best friend either.
In addition, cats look for a place where they can hide, such
as under the couch, a basket or a box. In addition to a hiding place, cats like
to have an overview and this is why they prefer to sit high. The scratching
posts from RHR Pets are therefore perfect and offer an optimal place for cats
to keep an eye on their surroundings.
And who doesn't want a clean and large place to do his or
her business? Provide cats with a litter box and they will be happy.
Last but not least, the cat toys! After all, cats love to
socialize and what could be more fun than playing with your favorite friend?

Important for your cat? The cat toys! What could be more fun than playing with your favourite boyfriend?
We asked Karlijn if any peculiarities, diseases and accidents occur in cats and if there are ways to avoid them
Unfortunately, many different diseases and accidents occur in cats. These include urinary problems, gastrointestinal problems, and trauma suffered from fighting or being hit.
As a hooman, what can you do to give your furry friend the best care?
- Vaccinate every year
- Deworming once every 3 months
- Flea and tick prevention
- To prevent trauma, it is best to keep your cat indoors. However, this depends on your kind of cat
When Lilly entered the showroom at RHR Pets, we immediately
noticed how beautiful, clean and white she is. For this we asked Karlijn as a
final question how she keeps Lilly so beautiful.
The answer to this? Lilly is well combed and stays inside
Karlijn's house. The result is certainly worth it.
We liked that Lilly and Karlijn were there! Did you also
like the blog?
Until next time!