The 3 Musketeers
4.5 years ago, Mitchell took in the two European shorthairs, and they have been providing life and cosiness in the house ever since. Before this, Mitchell had never had cats before, and he frankly admits ‘I didn't know how cute they are!’. Because from the moment he went to see them, he loved the brothers, whom he named Lio and Tiger.
At the vet's they had written down that it was Leo and Tiger, but really in Dutch, Leeeeoo. I didn't like that!
The fact that Mitchell and his cats have become the 3 musketeers over the years is evident to his colleagues. In between their daily activities, we often get to see sweet photos and videos and funny stories. As it turns out? Lio and Tigger even look a bit like Mitchell, they are all rather stubborn and a bit smart, love to lie on the couch together and the cats like to climb on the beams in the house and Mitchell also throws plenty over the beam on weekends.
We also call Mitchell the cat dad of the office, because apart from Lio and Tiger being named regularly here on the shop floor, it became even clearer how much Mitchell loves his cats when Tiger fell ill. Thankfully, he is all well again!

Within RHR Pets, Mitchell fills the position of E-commerce Manager, but you may have spoken to him on the phone or email before because he also likes to help our customers. But basically his department is everything related to the websites (currently 18 worldwide, with more to come!), products and online marketing. It's fair to say that Mitchell does take a bit of advantage of this, as he has Lio and Tiger featured on the RHR Pets homepage as many as three times. Have you spotted them yet?

Job benefits
The fact that Mitchell works at the scratching post
specialist is of course something Lio and Tijger are reaping the benefits of.
So of course you will find our scratching posts at their home, including an
expanded Maine
Coon Lounge. Meanwhile, Mitchell is also involved in the development of new
products. He is very proud of that, "We work with a top product, we manage
to realize, invent, implement and develop a lot with a great team that I
support 100%!" says Mitchell when I ask him what is best about his work at
RHR Pets, "and, not to forget the
Vrij-mi-bo," he continues.

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