In 2022, catfluencer is a household name. Surely everyone
has heard of an influencer, a person who has a lot of followers on social media
and is therefore even a well-known person. This influencer acts as a role model
for a certain target group and may also influence the choices of his or her
We at RHR Pets, and probably you too, are a lot happier with
a Catfluencer! Because what could be more fun than all those cute cat photos
you see on your phone while scrolling through your social media channels on the
couch in the evening? So Cola the Cat, you want to follow it! Click here for his Instagram page.

How it all began
Cola came for actually as a playmate for Marit's other cat, named Monster. Unfortunately, they didn't end up becoming the best of friends, but with 2 more dogs at home, everything goes together just fine. Marit always liked taking photos, and when she saw a cat on Instagram that looked like her Cola, she thought ‘maybe other people will like Cola too’. So in 2016, Marit decided to create an Instagram account for Cola. Not knowing she would gain so many followers, now over 128,000! Cola naturally has the looks of a real Instagram model, with his beautiful dark brown coat and cool appearance. But that's not why Marit had chosen Cola, she also had no preference for a particular breed and after seeing a number of litters, she had an instant click with Cola in particular!
Growing account
Many of Cola's followers also feel that click. Cola's photos and videos get a lot of comments and a lot of likes. This way, Cola's account becomes more and more famous, and the number of followers keeps growing.
Marit noticed huge growth a few years ago, a picture of Cola was posted by ‘Cats of Instagram’, gaining her thousands of followers within hours! That was with the picture below, and seeing this picture makes you want to follow Cola too, right?

For Marit, it is a fun activity, she does not spend a lot of time on it daily and she does it mainly for fun. But it certainly has beneficial side effects. Thanks to Cola's account, Marit has fun contact with people she has met through social media. ‘Besides, it is nice to earn a little extra money every now and then and get nice things for the cats’ she appoints. She therefore hopes that she can continue with this for a long time to come, providing her followers with fun content.

Do's & Don'ts
According to Marit, the best DO when you want to create an account for your cat is: Enjoy your cat! If you enjoy taking photos and your cat enjoys being photographed, that's the most important thing.
As I grab the camera, Cola already starts meowing
Cola really enjoys being photographed, because that means attention and sweets! He also has many different facial expressions, which Marit then manages to capture beautifully. As if he is really going to pose for it. Marit uses a Canon camera for this, or sometimes just her phone. As long as the photo is clear and of good quality. She then edits the photo with the Lightroom app, making minor adjustments such as changing the light or shade so that the photo stands out just a little more.

Je hoeft volgens Marit niet persé iets unieks te laten zien “Cola is ook maar een gewone kat die eigenlijk niets geks of speciaals doet” zegt ze. Wel adviseert ze om dagelijks online actief zijn, zo behoudt je het aantal volgers ook. Wanneer je er genoeg aandacht aan besteedt, dan groeit het aantal volgers vanzelf. Maar bovenal moet het vooral leuk blijven en niet draaien om het aantal volgers. Een absolute DON’T die Marit daarom benoemd, is dat je het account niet moet beginnen met de intentie om catfluencer te worden.
Leuk weetje, wist jij dat RHR Pets ook actief is op Instagram, Facebook, TikTok en Youtube? Wereldwijd hebben we meer dan 400.000 volgers!
We are constantly looking for new furry friends! Would you also like to read your story here? Then don't hesitate to let us know, maybe we'll send you a message.
We can hardly wait!Click on the link below and fill in the questions!

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