Ultimate cat dad, and so much more
You know that feeling, that after a day at work or being away, you can't wait to be back home with your cats? Christopher does, he can intensely enjoy his cats by going for walks outside with them in a forest near his house, for example.
Not all four of his cats he takes outside, but he doesn't need to, as Christopher has also created a true cat paradise inside. Just recently, he purchased several items from our new wall system to pamper his cats even more.
RHRQuality Climbing Wall Cat
The new RHRQuality scratching and climbing wall system!
But it doesn't stop there, sometimes he even cooks a special meal for his cats. He also has to pet other cats he meets on the street. Since his greatest love, his daughter Luna Jasmin, is as crazy about cats as Christopher is, he tries to pass on all his knowledge about cats to her. When they are together, they also do all the grooming of the cats together. And when Christopher is not busy with cats for a while? Then he is constantly working to keep developing and improving himself. In his hobbies, interests, work and mental health.
Sometimes I deliberately plan a weekend of nothing, and make up an excuse to cancel appointments so I can stay with the cats
‘I've actually had cats all my life... ‘begins Christopher, for whom the memories are still fresh. Together with his mother, he once hand-raised a litter of four kittens born in his wardrobe. 3 of them lived to be over 20 years old. ‘That's when cats really became a passion of mine’ says Christopher.

Today, Christopher has 3 Maine Coons and 1 European Shorthair in the house, and when he introduces them to us, we imagine ourselves in the Wild West with a touch of blues music. The oldest cat, Lana Memphis, has had a rough start. Found all alone in the woods, she was sick, with inflamed eyes and so severely malnourished that she was in mortal danger. When she was finally allowed to join Christopher from the shelter, they were instantly inseparable.
Levi, that was going to be the name if Christopher had had another son. But since his cats are like his children, the red Maine Coon was given the name. When Christopher saw him among the other kittens of the litter, he knew for sure ‘with him, I always felt that he is a real cowboy, from the Wild West, that's how naughty he is’ said Christopher, who gave Levi the middle name ‘Jericho’ as a reference to a Western film.

The youngest but also heaviest of the bunch is Bagheera. The Maine Coon weighs a whopping 12.2 kilos. Bagheera is named after the panther from Junglebook, but his middle name he got from Christopher's martial arts instructor, and that is Kasumi. ‘Kasumi’ means mist in Japanese, referring to the grey haze he has in his fur.
Missing ingredient
Last to join Christopher and his daughter was Sakura Bastet, a special Maine Coon. ‘This cat has such a beautiful soul and a very big heart,’ Christopher tells us, who came up with a new name for the Maine Coon. He wanted to give her a beautiful name that would do her justice. So he named her after the Japanese blossom tree ‘Sakura’, combined with the Egyptian fertility goddess who stands for joy,dance, music, celebration, life and warmth ‘Bastet’.

‘She was the missing ingredient in our life with our cat family’ says Christopher. Sakura Bastet is missing an eye and she has a born defect on her tail. Although Christopher did not actually want a fourth cat because it would be too much, he kept thinking about Sakura who had been seen at Bagheera's cattery. Over time, the breeder contacted Christopher because Sakura was not accepted by the other cats at the cattery and would be better off getting a new home. She got that with Christopher and Luna Jasmin.
Special band
Since then, not only Christopher has been inseparable from Sakura, but also (or especially) his daughter Luna Jasmin. Beforehand, Christopher told his daughter about Sakura, and also that she was bullied by the other cats because of her eye and tail. ‘Since then, they have been inseparable and Luna Jasmin promised to always take care of Sakura,’ Christopher says of the sweet duo. ‘Since then, my daughter has also come out of her shell more and more and is less shy’ he continued. Christopher says it was meant to be, and that the balance in the house is just right now.

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