Why do cats scratch?

Before we go into how to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture, it is important to understand why cats exhibit this behaviour. Cats scratch for different reasons:

  • Keeping nails sharp: Scratching helps cats keep their nails sharp.
  • Territorial behavior: Cats mark their territory with scent glands of their
  • Stress and boredom: Cats can scratch as an outlet for stress or boredom.

Patience is a virtue – especially if you're teaching a cat not to scratch furniture.
Discover the art of positive reward and cat psychology.


Tips for protecting your furniture.

  1. Scratching posts, scratching barrels & scratching
    One of the best ways to prevent your cat from scratching your
    furniture is to offer alternatives. Place scratching posts and scratching mats
    in your home, especially near the furniture your cat is scratching. Make the
    scratching post attractive by using catnip.
  2. Double-sided tape: Stick double-sided tape on the
    furniture your cat scratches. Cats generally don't like sticky surfaces and
    will stay off them.
  3. Scents: Use scents that cats hate, such as lemon
    scent or menthol, on the furniture. This can discourage your cat from
  4. Scratching caps: Consider putting caps on your cat's
    nails if all of the above really doesn't work. These protective covers prevent
    damage to furniture and are harmless to your cat.
  5. Furniture cover: Consider using removable furniture
    covers that you can place over your furniture. This protects your furniture and
    is easy to clean or replace if it gets damaged.
  6. Aluminum foil: Cats generally don't like the texture
    and sound of aluminum foil. Place pieces of aluminum foil in the areas where
    your cat scratches to scare it off.
  7. Positive reward: Reward your cat when it uses the
    scratching posts instead of the furniture. Positive is a powerful learning tool
    for cats.
How to teach your cat not to scratch furniture.

Patience and consistency: It is important to be patient and consistent when
teaching desired behaviors. Never punish your cat for scratching furniture, as
this can lead to increased stress and anxiety.

Avoid negative reactions: If you catch your cat red-handed scratching furniture,
try to react calmly and gently send it to the scratching post. Avoid loud
noises or physical punishment.

Catnip: Catnip can be a powerful tool. Rub some catnip on the
scratching posts and mats to make them more attractive to your cat.

Playtime and attention: Make sure your cat gets enough playtime and
attention. A happy and entertained cat is less likely to scratch furniture.

Contact the vet: If your cat continues to scratch despite your best efforts, consider
consulting with a vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

Scratch-Free Harmony: Forging a furniture-friendly bond with your cat

Teaching your cat not to scratch furniture can take some time and effort, but with patience, the right tools and positive rewards, you can maintain a great relationship with your furry friend, without your furniture. So, try these tips and enjoy a furniture-friendly environment in your home!

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Carla, who works in healthcare, has a great passion for helping animals in addition to her daily commitment to others. Together with her husband, little son Owen, dog Lana and cat Loena, she welcomes cats and kittens from the shelter into her home. Her love for animals is infectious, and it is heartwarming to see the whole family's commitment to these vulnerable creatures.

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