
Cats and plants sometimes seem to be opposites of each other. Yet we like to brighten up our home with flowers and plants. While it may occasionally seem challenging to combine the two, in reality it is easier than we think. In this blog, we discover how cats and plants can fit into our lives together.

Cohabitation of cats and plants:

Choose the right plants: Not all plants are safe for cats. Some plants are toxic to cats and can cause serious health problems if swallowed.

What are safe plants:

  • Areca Plam
  • Spider plant
  • Boston Fern
  • Althea
  • Elephant's Foot
  • Fern
  • Orchid

What are poisonous plants for cats?

  • Dieffenbachia
  • Monstera Deliciosa
  • Dracaena
  • Peace Lily
  • Christmas
  • Philodendron
  • Daffodil
  • Hyacinths
  • Tulips

This way, you can enjoy a green environment without worrying
about your cat's safety.

Special Cat Friendly Plant Boxes

The following websites sell special cat-friendly plant

See here the link to
their pet-friendly plants– See here the link to
their pet-friendly plants

Despite the fact that we name certain brands/sites, we do not take a
position, but we are paid/compensated for naming these names. This is a
completely independent study by RHR

How do a Cat and a plant go well together?

Make it interesting:

Instead of trying to keep cats away from plants, you can modify the environment
so that cats and plants complement each other. For example, provide high
shelves for cats to climb on while keeping the plants safe. You create your own
territory for the cat and there is a good chance that he will leave your plants

Toys and scratching posts:

 Make sure you have plenty of toys
and scratching posts so that your cat has enough distraction. A happy and
entertained cat will be less likely to use plants as toys.

Learning and setting boundaries:

 Teach your cat where it can and cannot
go. This takes some practice, but it can help keep cats away from fragile

Protect the plant:

Taking regular care of plants not only benefits their growth but can also
help keep cats away. Cover the soil in your plant pots with small rocks or
shells to prevent your cat from digging the soil out of the pot.

How do you recognise poisoning in a cat?

Cats that have been poisoned by a plant show the following symptoms:

  • Swelling, Redness to eyes or mouth due to irritation



Some toxins affect a cat's organs. Cats may then start drooling or have low energy and collapse. They may also have an irregular heartbeat, drink excessively and have trouble breathing.

What to do in case of poisoning?

  1. Try to find out which plant your cat ate. If you are not sure, take a piece of the plant with you or take a photo for the vet.

    Contact your vet immediately, the sooner the cat can be treated the better.

    Follow the vet's advice carefully!

The Balance Found: Cats and Plants in Harmony

So from this we can conclude that it is possible to keep cats and plants together in our habitat. It's all about finding the right balance and care for the cat. By selecting plants that cats can handle and taking into account the needs of both our furry friends and our green companions.

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