Favourite flower
The search was successful. Michelle and Levi found someone who had two more kittens, a boy and a girl. ‘I immediately fell in love with the little girl, who was then called Aylin. She was so small and delicate, a real girl,’ Michelle says. Thinking long and hard about the name was not necessary. ‘My favourite flower is the rose, hence the name Rosie. Our little Rosie.’
Michelle was able to spend some time with Rosie immediately after returning home, as her boyfriend was on a business trip. ‘I went to pick her up with my mother. When I got home, I immediately noticed that Rosie is not a scared kitten. She is extremely adventurous and started running around like crazy,’ Michelle says. - Says Michelle.

‘After all the fun, she obviously got tired. Rosie immediately realised that I was her new meow (mummy), so she curled up close to me and fell asleep immediately. I have never felt so much love from an animal.’
Michelle was often at home during the pandemic. So she could pay quite a bit of attention to Rosie. Still, she felt a partner in crime wouldn't hurt. ‘I don't want to leave my cat alone, so I tried to convince Levi to get another one. In my opinion, a cat should never be alone. Fortunately, Levi thought the same,’ Michelle said. They began their second search together, finding a boyfriend for Rosie. ‘We then found a little boy and this time Levi got to choose the name. He chose Swoosh.’

Rosie was not too happy about the arrival of her new baby brother.
The introduction of Rosie and Swoosh did not go smoothly.
Since Rosie had been living with Michelle and Levi for a while, they thought it
would be better to let them get used to each other slowly. "We made sure
that Swoosh could retreat to a safe place, a kind of base camp, where he could
find everything he needed. The first few days we let them get used to each
other's smells. Then we let them get to know each other," says Michelle. -
says Michelle. It wasn't all easy. "Rosie was really not happy with the arrival
of her new brother. She started barking and growling at him."
Fortunately, they now get along well. They are their own best buddies.
You can also follow their adventures together on their Instagram account!
The love you give them, you will receive three times over.
New chapter
Michelle and Levi are still quite young, but they felt they were ready for a new step in their lives. ‘We really wanted to take care of something or someone. I am still going to school, so children are not in the plans yet, but we see ourselves taking care of kittens. We also see Rosie and Swoosh as if they were our children. They are part of the family, just like me and Levi.’ - explains Michelle. ‘They provide so much love and fun and I always have a buddy with them. We really don't mind staying home at night when we can cuddle with the cats. It is so nice to take care of them. The love we give them, we get back three times over.’
Scratching post Royalty Plus
Ponieważ Rosie i Swoosh to dwa duże koty, Michelle postanowiła podarować im drapak. Wybrała nasz drapak Royalty Plus w kolorze kremowym. ‘Kolor tak dobrze pasuje do reszty naszego wnętrza! NiSince Rosie and Swoosh are two big cats, Michelle decided to give them a scratching post. She chose our Royalty Plus scratching post in cream. ‘The colour matches the rest of our interior so well! It doesn't attract too much attention either. The cats draw on their scratching post, but it doesn't even move, it's that sturdy,’ says Michelle. - Says Michelle. ‘There are many scratching posts that seem very cheap and get damaged quickly, but that is absolutely not the case with this one! We are very happy with our purchase and so are our cats. ‘e przyciąga też zbyt wiele uwagi. Koty rysują na swoim słupku, ale on nawet się nie rusza, jest tak solidny’ - mówi Michelle. ‘Istnieje wiele drapaków, które wydają się bardzo tanie i szybko się niszczą, ale w przypadku tego drapaka absolutnie tak nie jest! Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z naszego zakupu, podobnie jak nasze koty’.

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