Originally, this beautiful big cat breed comes from the US state of Maine. This is also where they got their name from, the brush-like tails resembling the tail of the raccoon (in English ‘Raccoon’) combined with the place Maine = Maine Coon. In Maine, winters can be extreme, but with their thick, dense fur, the cats could weather the winters there. By now, the Maine Coon is a very popular cat breed worldwide. This blog features several Maine Coons from around the world!

The Maine Coon cat in brief:

The largest of all cat breeds (which has not been crossed
with a wild cat!)

Active, inquisitive cat

Social, affectionate cat

Talkative cat

Big, tough cat

Thick, long coat that needs to be groomed daily

Cute ears with tufted dots

Comes in many different colors

Outdoor cat, who loves hunting and climbing

A real family cat, good with children

Onyxia from Sydney, Australia

This beautiful one-year-old Maine Coon is living in Sydney, Australia. Together with her Ragdoll friend Lexi, she was adopted from a shelter. They are best friends and really like to sprint all over the house (especially at night when everyone is trying to sleep...).

As summers are very hot and humid in Sydney, and both cats have long coats, the owners take this into account in every way. So the air conditioning is on with the doors closed, and they keep the bathrooms cool so they can lie down on the cool tiles if necessary. They also make sure to change their water bowls regularly and provide a few dark, cool places in our house where they can relax if needed. Just before the start of summer, Onyxia goes to a professional groomer. With these tips, they help their cats stay comfortable in the Australian summer heat.

Zirreke from Kempen, Belgium

On the other side of the world, Maine Coon Desiderio lives in Kempen, Belgium. This is his pedigree name ‘Desiderio’, but his owners found that a difficult call sign. Hence they named him Zirreke. ‘My great-grandfather's real name was Desiderius and his nickname was also Zirreke, hence the name’. Zirreke never goes outside, but they find it very important that he has enough ‘living space’ inside. He has his own room where he sleeps at night and walks all over the house during the day. Zirreke is a very social cat, he always wants to be near his people and likes to lie as close as possible to them and he also gets along very well with the other pets. He prefers to lie on your lap, in the hammock or on top of his scratching post in front of the window looking out.

Whyskey from Bytom, Poland

Whyskey and his owner Jan are originally from Poland, but Jan has been living in Denmark for 6 years now. Whyskey he bought from a Cattery in Poland 3.5 years ago and goes back to Poland several times a year from Denmark.

In summer, they mostly stay in Denmark, as it can get more than 30 degrees in Poland. Jan specifically chose the Maine Coon breed because of its delicate character ‘Whyskey is really a big, friendly giant who really loves to cuddle’. Jan therefore thinks it is the perfect cat breed.

Annie, Molly, Albus, Moose and Lobo from Texas, America

In total, there are 5 cats, 4 of which are Maine Coons! Only Annie is not a Maine Coon. Throughout the year it is quite warm in Texas, which is why the air conditioning is often on in their home. The cats are therefore mainly indoors, but when it is cooler in winter, they like to go outside.

The oldest Maine Coon is Molly, she was born on Thanksgiving day, and how coincidental, Moose and their newest kitten Lobo were also both born on Thanksgiving day. A special day that is extra special because of this!

Attila, a 15-month-old Maine Coon (6 kg) from France:
Klaus, a 2-year-old Maine Coon (5 KG) from Germany:
We SO love Maine Coons...

... That we name our scratching posts after it:

Regular price
From CHF 19.99
Regular price
Sale price
From CHF 19.99
Cat Tree Maine Coon Sleeper (Light Grey)

Regular price
CHF 159.00
Regular price
CHF 159.00
Sale price
CHF 159.00
Cat Tree Maine Coon Lounge Blackline (Dark Grey)

Regular price
CHF 127.00
Regular price
CHF 127.00
Sale price
CHF 127.00

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