Er was eens...

Once upon a time...

Every week we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. Disneylover Bianca lives with her two cats Tinka and Mogli in Darmstadt, a...

Katten adopteren

Adopting cats

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time, we spoke to Marlene, from Melbourne, Australia. Marlene is a huge...

Happy family

Happy family

Every week we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This week, we spoke to Sharon from the Netherlands. She has two cats,...

Kat met verlatingsangst

Cat with separation anxiety

Every week we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. This week, we found ourselves in the Netherlands, with Lisette, her boyfriend and...

Opgroeien met katten

Growing up with cats

Every week, we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. This week, we spoke to Elize, who lives in the Netherlands with her...

Zwarte katten brengen geluk

Black cats bring good luck

Black cats bring bad luck according to ancient superstitions; they were even associated with witchcraft and the devil. Today, the saying ‘black cats bring bad...

Odin, een imposante Maine Coon

Odin, an imposing Maine Coon

Every week, we look for interesting stories from cats and their owners. This time we spoke to Bernadett and Russell, from Essex in England. When...

Kattenhotel Tompoes

Cat hotel Tompoes

Elke week gaan wij op zoek naar interessante verhalen van katten en hun baasjes. Deze keer spraken wij met Michelle, eigenaresse van Kattenhotel Tompoes in...

Cola the Catfluencer

Cola the Catfluencer

Every week we look for interesting stories of cats and their owners. This time, we spoke to Marit, from Veldhoven. Marit has several pets, but...

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