A wish come true
Lío and Tobi are brothers, born on 28-05-2021, so they are almost celebrating their first birthday! Alicia has had the two brothers in her home for 6 months now, before that she had never had a cat herself due to allergies. Fortunately, she has grown over that and her big wish to have cats of her own has finally come true.

House, tree, beast...?
When the couple bought their own house, there was still a
lot of work to be done. But the loss of the 2 cats of Mark's parental home
played up with Alicia. Because of course Karel didn't come along! Alicia and
Mark decided together not to get their own cats for the time being, despite the
emptiness in their new home. There was simply still too much to be done in
their home, so it was a well-considered decision to wait.
The temptation was too great for Alicia anyway. She started
"looking" at cats online. But we all know that you have to be very
strong in your shoes if you want to leave it at that! (We get you Alicia) There
she met Lío and Tobi, who used to have a different name, 2 Bengal cats of 5
months old who unfortunately could not stay with their owner because of an
allergy. Alicia fell in love instantly...
Even though the agreement was not to get cats for the time
being, Alicia started talking about it with lead in her shoes and stomach ache
from tension, because no you have and yes you can get! Under certain
conditions, her boyfriend agreed, and the picture for Alicia was complete, with
a house, tree and 2 animals.
If you always change the litter box, we have a deal

Not just any two cats
Although Alicia had never had cats herself, she knew that
she didn't just bring a breed into her home. In addition to their playful,
intelligent and affectionate nature that Alicia had read about, she knew that
they are also active and demand a lot of time from you. Alicia gives this time
with love, she makes sure that they are never away from home for too long. In
addition, she continues to challenge them with new games and tricks, for
example, they can fetch like the best!
Lío and Tobi run all over the house together, in their room
there are two scratching posts including the Maine
Coon Fantasy, where they can jump from platform to platform and then rest
in one of the hammocks. But the rest of the house is also their play area,
Alicia really enjoys just looking at them. Because they are together, they also
continue to entertain each other. Because as befits real brothers, they play
funny pranks together, which creates extra coziness in the house!
"Sometimes it sounds like they are renovating
upstairs," says Alicia. So she notices that you don't just satisfy a
Bengal cat with a simple toy. Bengal cats are smart, for that reason you can do
many fun activities with them if you put enough time into it. You can teach
them all kinds of things and keep them busy in a playful way just to satisfy
their urge to act.

Meet me in the kitchen!
Lío was very affectionate from the start and a big cuddler. Tobi was a bit anxious and reserved for a very long time. ‘We always gave them the space themselves to come to us, instead of imposing ourselves on them. As a result, Tobi has now also become a huge cuddler and secretly even a bit more than Lío!’ For example, Alicia tells us that Tobi has a very cute crazy habit: ‘When I'm busy in the kitchen, he comes running to me because he wants to jump on my lap. He then constantly hangs in my leg and meows until I cuddle with him. Really very sweet!

We are constantly looking for new furry friends! Would you also like to read your story here? Then don't hesitate to let us know, who knows, we might even send you a message.
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