Jede Woche suchen wir nach interessanten Geschichten von Katzen und ihren Besitzern. Dieses Mal haben wir mit Shyla gesprochen. Sie lebt in Sydney, Australien, mit ihrer Katze namens Boots. Sie arbeitet bei einer registrierten australischen Tierhilfsorganisation, Animal Rescue Sydney - Rescue Cat Crew, die sich um heimatlose und hilflose Tiere kümmert. Die Katzen im Zentrum stammen aus misshandelnden Familien oder waren streunende Katzen, die nie ein Zuhause hatten.

Saving without killing

‘We pride ourselves on not killing cats, the cats here are given as much time as they want until they find another home. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, reunite and/or rehome the animals at our shelter,’ Shyla explains. - explains Shyla.

The Rescue Cat Crew consists of volunteers who are very passionate and want only the best for the animals. They all devote a lot of time and energy to the shelter. ‘We truly believe that all animals deserve a second, third and another chance. We do everything we can to make every animal flourish and give them a new home. With us, it doesn't matter how long it takes!’.

Translated with (free version)

We believe every animal deserves a new chance



Shyla has a passion for animals for a reason. As a child, she grew up with several animals, as her family consists of many animal lovers. In 2014, she rescued her first cat. ‘Since then, we started rescuing more cats each time and soon we were taking care of at least four cats or kittens at a time,’ - says Shyla.

‘Cats are the best company and give so much love! It's like they are my family. Even when they are finally adopted, it feels like a piece of my heart has gone with them. They will always be part of our big cat family.’

Rescuing a cat and giving it a new home is hugely rewarding. Especially after watching the cats grow up.

‘All our cats have unique personalities and habits. Some cats come to us scared and aggressive, others are very excited and happy to have finally been rescued. But after a little TLC (tender care), even the scared cats have calmed down and really enjoy cuddling.’

Puss in Boots

Besides the cats at the shelter, Shyla also looks after her own cat, Boots. ‘We chose a name for him because he reminds me of Boots the Cat because he is also very adventurous and has a playful personality,’ explains Shyla. ‘When I first brought Boots home, he immediately started playing and running around like crazy, he was really cute. We cuddled all night in bed.’

Boots even has his own role at the shelter, as he looks after the new foster cats and kittens that come to him. ‘We call him foster father because he has taken over the role of father in our shelter,’ says Shyla. - Says Shyla.

Curious about what Boots and the other cats are up to? You can follow their adventures on their TikTok or Instagram account!

I tried many other scratching posts before buying them


The more, the better

Because Shyla takes care of many cats, she found it
necessary to purchase some nice scratching posts. The cats can expend all their
energy at the Maine Coon Tower, Corner Coon and Coony Lounge.

"We actually want to buy two more, we also have an eye on Royalty and
Maine Coon Lounge," says Shyla. "I looked at many other scratching
posts before I bought this one. I especially wanted a scratching post that is
durable, sturdy and easy to maintain and that can be used by cats and kittens.
This is exactly why I decided to buy your scratching post! Our cats and kittens
use it every day and have their favorite places to snooze and play."

Rescue cat team favourites

Order them here!

Kratzbaum Maine Coon Turm (Beige)

Normaler Preis
Von €197,52
Normaler Preis
Von €197,52
Kratzbaum Corner Coon (Hellgrau)

Normaler Preis
Normaler Preis
Kratztonne Coony Lounge (Beige)

Normaler Preis
Normaler Preis
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Mein Partner ist allergisch gegen Katzen!

Jede Woche sind wir auf der Suche nach interessanten Geschichten über Katzen und ihre Besitzer.  Dieses Mal sind wir in Deutschland gelandet. Können Sie sich vorstellen, wie lästig (sorry) es sein muss, einen Partner zu haben, der allergisch auf Katzen reagiert? Sabine schon! Sie und ihre Kinder träumten davon, eine Katze zu Hause zu haben, aber das schien für sie nicht wirklich in Frage zu kommen. „Wir haben es mit einer Katze aus dem Tierheim versucht, aber leider mussten wir sie nach drei Tagen wieder zurückgeben, weil mein Mann eine schwere allergische Reaktion hatte.
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