Inestimable value
Scratching posts play a very important role in a cat's life. They stimulate many important functions, which are invaluable for a cat's well-being. Climbing posts act as scratching posts, allowing the cat not only to groom its claws and exercise the surrounding muscles, but also to leave its scent. Climbing allows a cat to get exercise and is the closest thing to climbing a tree (a natural daily act for an outdoor cat) and allows the cat to feel safe in a high place, away from people or dogs, and looking down on its territory. The scratching post is a piece of furniture that belongs only to cats and I would encourage every cat groomer to consider installing one.

Different scratching posts suit different personalities. Large breeds need large platforms to lie on and most of them do not fit in the pens unless the information accompanying the scratching post states that it is suitable for large breeds.
I know some people think that scratching posts are ugly, but a true cohabitation should take care of the human as well as the cat. There are plenty of companies that supply beautiful luxury cat climbers and you can find a huge range of designs at one of my favourite brands; RHRQuality.
Which type of scratching post you buy depends on the space you have, as well as your cat's personality and breed. Try to be generous with your space and think outside the box if space is limited. Clear out to make room for new ideas.
Something for everyone
Make sure your chosen climber has a platform that suits your
cat. Many platforms are too small or not strong enough for your cat's weight.
This is another reason why the RHRQuality brand stands out above most others.
The company has made it its life's work to design climbers suitable for the
larger cat breeds, the Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest, Siberians, British Short
Hair and Ragdolls. This ensures that their bodies can relax and stretch out on
the platforms and that the base of the climbers is super strong. Plus, they
have great big structures to play and stimulate, great for homes with more
Make your cat(s) very happy and be creative with the space
you both share. There is a climber for all conditions.
Want to read more from Anita Kelsey? Visit her website!

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